LIFESTYLE: Quitters Sometimes Win

Saturday, February 21, 2015

It's OK to Quit - inspiration

Often times in life we think quitting is a bad thing. That's what society tells us anyway. It seems like all we ever hear is along the line of quitters are losers. It's sadly just become a norm of thinking.

Society is wrong.
Quitting is ok, and can be a GOOD thing. Especially if it leads to growth & balance.
I've spent the past year being a quitter...reevaluating life and taking action...
No, I didn't go aimlessly quitting everything I was doing just to go lamely cry in a corner. (Sorry, no crazy quitting tirade.) I took a step back, slowed down and acknowledged that just because I was on the same path as everyone else, it didn't mean I was on the right path. The busy lifestyle, the goals of more money, the over consumption...everyone's doing it and I should follow along, right? - "C'mon Amy, what's wrong with you? aren't happy pursuing that?" Turns out that type of life just wasn't working.

I just recently read a snipet from Donald Miller talking about the same thing. He's a smart dude. He says, "The idea is two fold:
1. Get rid of anything that doesn't need to be in your life.
2. Realize you don't have to be stuck in a rut.

I was in a rut.
I had a lot of things that didn't need to be in my life.
I was focused on a lot of things that didn't need to be in my life...unimportant things.
So, yeah...I quit things. It was life changing.

I quit my job
I had a terrible job I felt I was stuck at. So I left. By quitting I no longer had to deal with the stress and poor work environment. I no longer chose to deem the company's behavior acceptable by working for them. I was then free to pursue a better career path. I now carefully choose who I work for and with. I choose options that align with my values and propels me into growth as a person and in my field. I pursue mutual respect. I pursue things I love. It seems to work out.

I quit over consuming
I spent a lot of time buying things and thinking about buying things. This dulled the pain of the crappy job and I was far from understanding what it meant to live intentionally. I worked so I could buy things. I created and followed an "American Dream" type of lifestyle. That's what I was taught. I didn't really know any other way. Society tells us to overwork so we can overbuy. It's a perpetual process, it doesn't end. So yep, quit that too. Don't get me wrong, I still love the artistic qualities and culture of fashion but I don't let it consume me.

Those are just a few examples of how I chose to change my life by quitting. So be encouraged to not feel stuck...feel free to quit! You don't have to stay in a rut. Be intentional about what you pursue in life. Take a look at your life and quit any un-healthly lifestyle you find yourself in.

EVENT: Francesca's Find Your Beauty

Monday, February 16, 2015

Francesca's Top Style Picks
Hey Akron fashion lovers, come on out February 22 (this Sunday) to a style event at Francesca's - Summit Mall! Some fab Barberton DECA students are putting on this event as a class project, so come support them and have a stylish good time. Your local fashion bloggers Dina's Days, For The Birds & I (Glam and Grace) will be there to host & help style outfits! Spots are limited, RSVP here

Above is a selection of my favorite pieces they have available online. Go ahead and browse the site to get an idea of what they have available in store!
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Akron Fashion Event - Francesca's Summit Mall

YUMS & NOMS: Salmon en Papilotte

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Salmon en Pailotte - recipe from Gervasi Vinyard, Chef Maxine Verbel
fresh vegetables rainbow
fresh veggies for white wine salmon
Preparing fresh Salmon with vegetables
cooking fresh salmon with white wine recipe
tender fresh salmon recipe
Salmon with white wine recipe
I recently got to take a cooking class at Gervasi Vineyard, Cooking with Wine. It was so much fun and we made so much amazing food. Great memories were made and I got to learn how to make this crazy delicious salmon. I've been hooked and have prepared it at home several times already. It's a must try...and then you won't be able to stop making & eating it!
One crucial detail I've found for this recipe is that fresh salmon makes all the difference. I first tried frozen from the freezer section, thawed it and followed the directions but it was no where near the juicy tender filet we made in class. Super disappointing. So I then gave the fresh fish a whirl. It's a HUGE difference. This fresh Salmon recipe is not only easy to make but it's life changing good!

Salmon en Papilotte

4-4oz Fresh Salmon Fillets                 Fresh Ground Salt & Pepper
1 Lemon - thinly sliced                       Parchment Paper (4-12x18 pieces)
1/4 cup Dry White Wine                     4 teaspoons butter        
Vegetables of Choice                          8 Rosemary Sprigs (optional)
(I used mini sweet peppers)

Preheat over to 450 degrees

Rinse Salmon and pat dry with paper towels. Season with salt and pepper. Fold parchment paper in half. Place salmon by the middle of the center fold. Top with 2 lemon slices, fresh cut veggies and a teaspoon of butter. Splash wine on top (a tablespoon or so will do) Start folding at the side, overlapping until sealed. (note: we learned to make sure it's folded tight into a packet so it cooks evenly and stays tender)

Place on baking sheet. Roast 10 minutes, or until dish has steamed out and expanded. Transfer packets onto plates. Slit tops with a sharp knife. Gently open and enjoy the aroma.

This dish makes a great presentation and easy clean up!

Credit: Recipe from Gervasi Vineyard  by Chef Maxine Verbel